Jumat, 10 Oktober 2008

ternyata hujan ngga selamanya air

ternyata hujan ngga selamanya air

ternyata ya hujan ngga selamanya air, ternyata ada kejadian-kejadian unik di bebebrapa negara ada yang ngalami hujan ikan, hujan kodok, hujan laba-laba...

ini artikel mengenai hujan ntu..tapi sorry in english ....gw males translatenya


As I sit writing this week's feature and glance out my home office window, it's pouring rain outside. One might say it's raining cats and dogs. Not literally, of course. But that's not to say that at times in many areas around the world that it hasn't rained things just as strange as felines and canines. Sometimes, things even stranger.

Weird rain is one of the more bizarre - and still largely unexplained - phenomena that is periodically (yet continually) reported from all corners of the globe. There have been accounts of frog rain, fish rain, squid rain, worm rain, even alligator rain. The logical explanation for the odd occurrences is that a tornado or strong whirlwind picked up the animals from a shallow body of water and carried them - sometimes for hundreds of miles - before dropping them on a bewildered populace. This explanation has yet to be proved, and it can't quite account for all of the documented incidents, as you'll see below.

Here are some of the more unusual cases - a small sampling from thousands of reports over the years - that defy all rational explanation.


* In 1873, Scientific American reported that Kansas City, Missouri was blanketed with frogs that dropped from the sky during a storm.
* Minneapolis, Minnesota was pelted with frogs and toads in July, 1901. A news item stated: "When the storm was at its highest... there appeared as if descending directly from the sky a huge green mass. Then followed a peculiar patter, unlike that of rain or hail. When the storm abated the people found, three inches deep and covering an area of more than four blocks, a collection of a most striking variety of frogs... so thick in some places [that] travel was impossible."
* The citizens of Naphlion, a city in southern Greece, were surprised one morning in May, 1981, when they awoke to find small green frogs falling from the sky. Weighing just a few ounces each, the frogs landed in trees and plopped into the streets. The Greek Meteorological Institute surmised they were picked up by a strong wind. It must have been a very strong wind. The species of frog was native to North Africa!
* In 1995, reports Fortean Times Online, Nellie Straw of Sheffield, England, was driving through Scotland on holiday with her family when they encountered a severe storm. Along with the heavy rain, however, hundreds of frogs suddenly pelted her car.


* A powerful whirlwind might explain a rain of small fish, but it cannot account for the ones that fell on a village in India. As many as 10 people reported picking up fish that weighed as much as eight pounds that had come crashing down on them.
* In February, 1861, folks in many areas of Singapore reported a rain of fish following an earthquake. How could the two possibly correlate?
* Golfers dread gathering clouds and a rain that might ruin their game. But imagine the consternation of several duffers in Bournemouth, England, in 1948 who received a shower of herring.
* Priests often pray for blessings from above... but fish? In 1966, Father Leonard Bourne was dashing through a downpour across a courtyard in North Sydney, Australia, when a large fish fell from the sky and landed on his shoulder. The priest nearly caught it as it slid down his chest, but it squirmed away, fell to the flooded ground and swam away.
* These things don't always happen in a heavy rain. In 1989, in Ipswich, Australia, Harold and Degen's front lawn was covered with about 800 "sardines" that rained from above during a light shower.
* This report is most unusual: In an otherwise clear sky in Chilatchee, Alabama in 1956, a woman and her husband watched as a small dark cloud formed in the sky. When it was overhead, the cloud released its contents: rain, catfish, bass and bream - all of the fish alive. The dark cloud had turned to white, then dispersed.
Flesh and Blood

* In 1890, Popular Science News reported that blood rained down on Messignadi, Calabria in Italy - bird's blood. It was speculated that the birds were somehow torn part by violent winds, although there were no such winds at the time. And no other parts of the bird came down - just blood.
* J. Hudson's farm in Los Nietos Township, California endured a rain of flesh and blood for three minutes in 1869. The grisly fall covered several acres.
* The American Journal of Science confirmed a shower of blood, fat and muscle tissue that fell on a tobacco farm near Lebanon, Tennessee in August, 1841. Field workers, who actually experienced this weird shower, said they heard a rattling noise and saw "drops of blood, as they supposed...fell from a red cloud which was flying over."

The Complete Books of Charles Fort

One of the first people to catalog strange phenomena such as rains of fish and frogs - and many other weird goings-on - was Charles Fort. The books in which he recorded these oddities are now available in this one volume. Included are: "The Book of the Damned," "Lo!," "Wild Talents" and "New Lands." His writing style may be a bit different than what you're used to, but Fort's books are must-haves for anyone curious about the unknown and the unusual.


* In 1881, a thunderstorm in Worcester, England, brought down tons of periwinkles and hermit crabs.
* In November, 1996, a town in southern Tasmania was slimed! Several residents woke up on a Sunday morning after a night of violent thunderstorms to find a strange, white-clear jelly-like substance on their property. Apparently, it had rained either fish eggs or baby jellyfish.
* A Korean fisherman, trolling off the coast of the Falkland Islands, was knocked unconscious by a single frozen squid that fell from the sky and konked him on the head.
* In July, 2001, a red rain fell on Kerala, India. At first it was thought that a meteor was responsible for the strange-colored rain, but an analysis showed that the water was filled with fungal spores. Still, where did all of those red spores come from to be rained down in such concentration?
* From about 1982 to 1986, kernels of corn have rained down on several houses in Evans, Colorado - tons of it, according to Gary Bryan, one of the residents. Oddly, there were no cornfields in the area that might account for the phenomenon.
* In August, 2001, the Wichita, Kansas area experienced an unexplained rain of corn husks. The news report stated that "thousands of dried corn leaves fell over east Wichita - from about Central Avenue to 37th Street North, along Woodlawn Boulevard and on east - each about 20 to 30 inches long."
* In 1877, several one-foot-long alligators fell on J. L. Smith's farm in South Carolina. They landed, unharmed, and started crawling around, reported The New York Times.

Perhaps the most bizarre report is one that, unfortunately, cannot be confirmed. It may be just the stuff of urban legend, but it's so weird and so amusing that had to be included. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether or not it's true.

Sometime around 1990, a Japanese fishing boat was sunk in the Sea of Okhotsk off the eastern coast of Siberia by a falling cow. When the crew of the wrecked ship were fished from the water, they told authorities that they had seen several cows falling from the sky, and that one of them crashed straight through the deck and hull. At first, the story goes, the fishermen were arrested for trying to perpetrate an insurance fraud, but were released when their story was verified. It seems that a Russian transport plane carrying stolen cattle was flying overhead. When the movement of the herd within the plane threw it off balance, the plane's crew, to avoid crashing, opened the loading bay at the tail of the aircraft and drove them out to fall into the water below. True story or hoax? One investigation traced the story back to a Russian television comedy series.

Personally, I think the story is the most preposterous.... Wait a minute... I think I just saw something large and black and white fall past my window. Is that mooing I hear?

Berani mengakui kegagalan....

Berani mengakui kegagalan....

DIA sungguh seksi. Bening dan menggairahkan. Siapa pun yang melihatnya,pasti ingin menjamahnya. Jangan salah, dia bukanlah seorang gadis. Dia bernama Macintosh.
Tak ada yang menyangkal dengan kecantikan dan kecanggihan komputer keluaran dari Apple tersebut. Tapi, siapa dapat menduga, perusahaan ini tumbuh dari sebuah kegagalan. Tidak saja dalam menciptakan alat tersebut, tapi juga lika-liku laki-laki si pemiliknya,Steve Jobs.

Sekarang marilah kita kembali ke tahun 1976. Dan tengoklah ke dalam garasi milik keluarga Jobs. Di sana, dua anak muda yang kebetulan sama-sama bernama Steve, yaitu Jobs dan Wozniak, tengah asyik mengutak-atik komputer yang bernama Apple 1.

Singkat cerita, perusahaan ini berkembang seperti pohon rambutan di musim panas. Cepat berbuah dan manis. Hasilnya, perusahaan ini tumbuh pesat menjadi a big company. Jobs pun merasa tidak kuasa lagi mengendalikannya. Pada 1983, dia merekrut John Sculley, dari perusahaan Pepsi-Cola, untuk memimpin Apple Computer.

Sculey memang pemimpin jempolan. Dia sendiri kemudian menemukan ketidakcocokan dengan Jobs, yang mudah emosi dan berubah pikiran. Dua tahun kemudian, karena banyak ulah, dia pun memecat Jobs dari jabatannya dan mengusirnya dari Apple.

Tragis nian. Orang yang mendirikan perusahaan ternyata harus hengkang dari rumahnya sendiri. Sedih? So pasti. Tak hanya menyesal seumur-umur,Jobs pun mengakui kegagalannya selama memimpin di Apple. Walau sudah begitu, keinginan untuk kembali ke Apple ditolak oleh para petingginya.

Namun Jobs tak berlama-lama merenungi kegagalannya. Setelah keluar dari Apple,
ia mendirikan sebuah perusahaan komputer lagi, NeXT Computer, yang juga tergolong maju dalam hal teknologi. Meski pun canggih, NeXT tidak pernah menjadi terkenal, kecuali di lingkup riset sains.

Di tahun 1986, Jobs bersama Edwin Catmull mendirikan Pixar, sebuah studio animasi komputer di Emeryville, California. Satu dekade kemudian, Pixar berkembang menjadi terkenal dan berhasil dengan film terobosannya, Toy Story. Sejak saat itu Pixar telah menelurkan film-film yang memenangkan Academy Award, seperti Finding Nemo dan The Incredibles.
Perusahaan itu kemudian membeli NeXT seharga US$429 juta di tahun 1996.
Dan di tahun itu pula, Apple membawa Jobs kembali ke perusahaan yang ia dirikan.

Kisah Jobs menjadi teramat manis. Dia merupakan sedikit orang yang gagal dalam pendidikan. Dia tak pernah tamat kuliah, namun berhasil menjadi satu CEO tersukses.

Itulah sekelumit cerita mengenai kegigihan Steve Jobs, pendiri Apple.
Ketika memberikan pidato di Stanford University, Juni 2005, Jobs berterus terang soal kegagalannya di Apple, katanya, "Saya gagal mengambil kesempatan." Lebih lanjut, Jobs mengatakan, "Apa yang terjadi di Apple sedikit pun tak mengubah saya. Saya telah ditolak, namun saya tetap cinta. Maka, saya memutuskan untuk mulai lagi dari nol." Dari cerita ini tergambar jelas, Jobs tak malu mengakui kegagalannya. Ia tak
mau menyerah begitu saja. Kemudian Jobs memperbaiki dan mengevaluasi
kegagalannya untuk kemudian meraih sukses di tahun-tahun berikutnya.

Bagaimana dengan kita? Tentunya kita sering kali mendapatkan kegagalan.
Dalam hal apa saja. Termasuk mungkin, gagal dalam cinta. Gagal dalam berbisnis. Gagal dalam pekerjaan. Gagal dalam mendidik anak. Atau bahkan, gagal dalam membina rumah tangga.



ini dia motor tercepat di dunia (at least sampe tulisan ini gue posting) kapasitas mesinnya 8200cc (buju buneng). ini sama aja kaya ngendarain kereta api beroda dua

Tomahawk adalah sepeda motor berbasis Viper V-10 ,mesin bertenaga 500 horsepower dengan empat roda. Chrysler sang pencipta akan menjual konsep original Tomahawk dan 9 replikanya melalui Neiman Marcus,seharga $555,000
ato sekitar 5,1 miliar rupiah per buah. sepeda motor ini tidak bisa dibuatkan izinnya,jadi kendaraan ini tidak bisa digunakan di jalan umum.juru bicara Chrysler mengatakan kepada kantor berita Reuters bahwa TOMAHAWK dibuat sebagai "Pajangan Promosi" saja. Gosip menyatakan TOMAHAWK dijual seharga dibawah $200,000 (18,8 milliar Rp), kemungkinan "jual rugi" atau harga break even,untuk tujuan publisitas - namun Tomahawk masih dapat dikendarai. Dodge Tomahawk dapat mencapai 60 miles per jam dalam 2.5 dtik, dan memikiki kecepatan teoritik hampir mencapai 400 mph. setiap pasang rodanya terpisah hanya beberap inci dan masing-masing roda memiliki suspensi independen.empat roda diperlukan untuk menangani power dari mesinnya.

spesifikasinya :

1. 500 bhp (372 kW) @ 5600 rpm (60.4 bph/liter); 525 lb.-ft. (712 Nm) @ 4200 rpm
2. 10-silinder 90 derajat V-type, liquid-cooled, 505 cubic inci (8277cc)
3. 365-T6 alumunium alloy block dengan cast-iron liners, alumunium alloy Cylinder head
4. Bore s Stroke : 4.03 inci x 3.96 inci (102.4 x 100.6)
5. dua buah pushrod-actuated overhead valves per cylinder dengan roller-type hydraulic lifters
6. Multi-port electronic fuel injection dengan individual runners
7. rasio kompresi : 9.6:1
8. maks kecepatan mesin : 6000 rpm
9. Bahan bakar : Unleaded Premium, oktan 93 (R+M/2)
10.system pelumas : Dry Dump; menggunakan 8 quarts Mobil1 10W30 Synthetic
11.sistem pendingan : Twin Alumunium radiators diatas engine intake manifolds, kipas turbin
yang digerakan oleh belt.
12.membutuhkan 11 quarts antifreeze
13.sistem pembakaran : headers Tabung stainless steel dengan dual collectors dan satu buah outlet

Depan :
Outboard,conrol arms paralel satu sisi yang terbuat dari Polished Billet Alumunium. dipasang melalui
Ball joint ke Steering bagian atas dan hubs. Caster 4 derajat. single coil-over damper yang dapat
disesuaikan (2.5 inci coil dengan Spring Perch yang dapat disesuaikan);pullrod dan rocker-actuated
mono linkage.Center-lock racing style hubs.

belakang :
Hand-fabricated box-section steel inboard swing arms, incorporating “hydral-link” lockable recirculating
hydraulic circuit parking stand. Single fully adjustable centrally located Koni coil-over damper
( 2.25-inch coil with adjustable spring perch); pushrod and rocker-actuated mono linkage.
Center-lock racing-style hubs.

Depan :
20-inch perimeter-mounted drilled machined stainless steel rotors, satu setiap roda. 2 4-piston fixed aluminum calipers
per wheel (total 16 piston), dibuat secara custom. Blue anodized caliper finish. diaktifkan tangan.

Belakang :
20-inch perimeter-mounted drilled cast-iron rotors, satu setiap roda. 1 4-piston fixed aluminum caliper per wheel
(total 8 piston), dibuat secara custom. Blue anodized caliper finish. Fdiaktifkan kaki.

0-60 mph: 2.5 detik (perkiraan)
Top Speed: 300+ mph (perkiraan)
Panjang: 102 inches
Lebar: 27.7 inches
Tinggi: 36.9 inches
Wheelbase: 76 inches
tinggi jok: 29 inches
berat: 1,500 lbs.
Track, depan: 8.75 in
Track, belakang: 10 in
Weight Dist: 49F/51R
jarak dengan tanah: 3 in
bahan bakar: 3.25 gallons

Alternator: 136-amp high-speed
Battery : Leak-resistant, maintenance-free 600 CCA
Lighting: Headlights terdiri dari 12 LEDs 5w, depan,dengan beam modifying optics dan masked lenses.
8 LEDs, Belakang. Headlamps articulate dengan roda.

Manual, penggerak kaki 2 percepatan
Aluminum-cased 2 percepatan, sequential racing-style with dog ring, straight-cut gearsGear Ratios: 1st 18:38; 2nd
23:25Clutch: Double-disc, dry-plate dengan organic friction materials, hand lever actuated dengan assistFinal
drive: Dual 110-link motorcycle-style chains
Front Sprockets: 14 teethRear Sprockets: 35 teeth
Longitudinal, centrally mounted engine, rear-wheel drive layout; monocoque construction, engine is central, stressed
member. Body dari billet aluminum.

hari ini hari yang cerah

When I first saw you
I knew that I'd never forget
This moment in time
Just a smile and you took away my heart
I never knew that my life would change
I never knew that I'd feel this way
Baby, believed me I'm right
Won't try to fight
This feelings inside I can't hide

I think I love You
This I am sure
Coz I miss you
Each time that you go

The things in my heart
The things that i say
are things that are true all the way

I've fallen for you
I'll never let go
Coz I need you
You're the light in my sorrow
THe things in my heart
The things that i say
are things that are true all the way
I love you

The days passed, I woke up
my heart, shot by an arrow
I go on my way
The sun shining everyday
Like, there's no tomorrow

I promise with you I will stay
If you tell me you'd be with me too
say yah do
we're meant for each other
I always believe that we do
the way my world brightens
whenever you're with me I know...